Choose your platform

It is important to us that you have freedom over where you view Apptly Creative view courses. We understand you may be members of other educational services and want to keep down the number of accounts you have to create everywhere.

All Courses

The following platforms contain or will contain all Apptly Creative courses for outright purchase and unlimited access for the lifetime of the course:

Apptly Creative


Selected Courses

The following platforms do not contain all courses but have other opportunities as well as outright purchase with unlimited access. This may include subscription access or as part of a bundle.



So which should I Choose?

If you want to buy the course or courses outright and have not used Udemy before then I suggest our Apptly Creative platform. It has simple payment options and where possible the cheapest prices.

If you want to see what else is available in your area of interest then I highly recommend having a look at CartoonSmart and StackSkills as they both have a huge catalog of courses and resources.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for future platforms.